During game play, the teacher asks questions to the class, and students mark off the answers to those questions if they appear on their own grid. In Quick Grid BINGO, students quickly create a BINGO board by filling a nine-square grid (similar to a Tic Tac Toe board) with answers to questions that they have not yet seen.
Here's how YOU can take this simple game and play it with your students in the coming weeks! What is Quick Grid BINGO? Last week, Elicia Cárdenas and I played Language Acquisition Trivia in the #SOMOSathome Fun Club using a Quick Grid BINGO format. GAMES make online classes feel less like a chore, and they allow us to do what we miss most about being in the classroom with our kids– connect. As a curriculum coach, I've been debriefing synchronous lesson plans with SOMOS teachers. As a parent, I have been spying on my own kids' synchronous classes.
The most successful synchronous lessons are often game-based.